Merlin Star Press
Welcome to the Merlin Star Press Submission Guidelines.
We are currently open for Submissions.
At the moment our goal is to find eager New Brunswick writers whom we can help reach the goal of having their completed manuscripts published.
1. We are considering fiction, general interest submissions.
2. We are not considering poetry, children’s books, erotica, graphic novels, short stories, guide books, sports, cooking, young or new adult, memoir, autobiography, photo, self help, travel, how to, religious, or similar.
3. You can be a new or previously published author.
4. You are not required to have a literary agent.
5. Please notify us if your manuscript is accepted elsewhere or you wish to withdraw it from our consideration.
6. We only accept submissions for completed manuscripts.
7. We do not accept any submissions that have been, in part or in whole, created using Artificial Intelligence.
8. We do require the following information (to be filled out using the form below):
Your full name and any pseudonyms you may have written under.
Your postal address, telephone number(s), email address.
Any website, twitter or other digital presence you may have.
Details of any previous writing experience or published material you may have.
An estimated word count of your completed manuscript.
If someone were to ask you “What is your book about?”, how would you answer?
Include a more detailed synopsis of your book. It should be 500 words or less.
Include the first ten pages of your book. DO NOT SEND US YOUR FULL MANUSCRIPT AT THIS TIME.
Do you have any restrictions concerning limited travel for book signings or book promotion?
We will contact you shortly after receiving this information and based on it, we may or may not ask you to submit your full manuscript. One way or another we will keep you informed and you will not be “ghosted” or left out of the process.
While we will stay in close contact with you for this entire process, please realize that it generally takes a long time to bring a book from brain to bookshelf.
IF we ask for your full manuscript, please:
Send as MS word.doc (preferably not docx)
Use a 12-point font (Times New Roman or Arial)
Double-space lines
Leave the ends of lines unjustified
Use Canadian English spelling (be consistent) e.g. colour, not color, centre not center)
Title and author on the header
Page number on the footer